Quality management

Quality policy

Excellence performance is the basic prerequisite for AC²T to receive recurring orders from customers. Continuously optimizing our quality image while offering scientifically and technologically outstanding and cost-effective solutions is the core of our competitiveness.

Our goal is to carry out result- and customer-oriented projects, considering the experience of our employees, to recognize and minimize the risks of errors and to carry out the daily work flawlessly with optimally trained employees.

We are constantly looking for improvements and try to implement them faster than competitors operating in our market environment. We counter the competition from regions with lower personnel costs with more comprehensive knowledge. In this way, we strive to always be a relevant and competent partner for tribological tasks. Thereby, we secure the success of AC²T and our own jobs in the long term.

Each employee is required to work independently to continuously improve the quality level. In addition, selected employees are assigned by the management to support the employees in implementing the quality objectives.

The focus areas of the quality efforts are based on:

Environmental policy

Detailed knowledge of the flow of working materials and economical use of resources are the prerequisites for economical and safe operation in the operational working areas (laboratories).

As a tenant in the TFZ building, we have no direct influence on measures to change the building, the selection of the energy supplier and likewise, to a large extent, no possibility to read the energy recording devices (meters) in the sense of a short-term control of the energy demand for our specific needs.

Where we can, we assist the building owner to identify where opportunities for energy conservation measures could be placed (e.g..: LED lighting, ventilation timing, optimization of heating settings, PV system …).

Close cooperation with occupational health and safety specialists are an important tool to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

An environmental policy integrated into our field of work is an opportunity to identify safety risks and minimize incidents.

A comprehensible and safe way of working indirectly increases customer satisfaction and helps to preserve jobs.

We are constantly looking for improvements and try to implement them continuously. In this way, we strive to always be a relevant and competent partner for tribological tasks, which at their core involve minimizing the consumption of resources. In this way, we secure the success of the company and our own jobs in the long term.

Each employee is required to cooperate on his own responsibility in the continuous implementation of the environmental goals. In addition, selected employees are assigned by the management to support the employees in the implementation of the environmental goals.

The focus areas of the environmental policy are based on:


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